Monday, May 24, 1993

Notes and Stuff

I am officially announcing my retirement from newsletter writing. I will continue to tour, and work on other related projects, but my studio days are behind me. However, I have several hundred unreleased stories, which will run periodically.

Max had a checkup last week. He’s a healthy little guy. Dropped a pound over the year although he maintains his Kirby Puckett pouch. I was told I should brush his teeth. Our first few attempts have been an adventure; toothpaste everywhere, but tartar still on his teeth. Still, he enjoys the flossing.

The question Jason posed a few weeks back about the feet on the cover of Paul McCartney’s "Off the Ground" was answered by Paul’s latest video. In order: Blair, Linda, Paul, Wix, Hamisch and Robbie.

Have a feeling of duress from living your life in a vacuum? Your hard work has not been awarded? One analysis of the situation would lead to the conclusion what you need to do is submit an article to the newsletter where you can have your perfectly find (good?) English professionally butchered. We specialize in dangling participles and ending sentences with prepositions.

Next week: an on site report form the Metrodome and the McCartney experience. Happy Victoria Day, bye bye.

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