Monday, December 14, 1992

The State of Us

I don't know, is it just me? Does anyone else feel the world has become less stable and safe since Superman died?

Yes, the newsletter has reached its half year anniversary. Time for some reflection and introspection, and our state of the newsletter address.

Last week the question was raised on what the focus of the newsletter is. I'll be the first to admit we have a slight problem with this vision thing. Early on I ran a survey asking for feedback, what people wanted this sucker to be. Let’s just say the response I got back was a little less than overwhelming. I know as editor one of my major weaknesses is generating ideas, shape and focus for the newsletter, I've asked people to contribute and the answer I get back most is, "What should I write about?" You want to see a scared, blank look... My philosophy has been to let people write about anything they want to. Hence in theory, it should be easier for people to write. The strength of this is people should feel they can write about what interests them, which in turn will produce their best writing. So if we all get to learn more about hemp, or the best summer of our lives, or Bob Dylan, so be it. I think a major purpose of the newsletter is to get to know our co-workers better and on that level-, I think we have done a good job. The weakness of this over riding philosophy is the newsletter has been a hodgepodge of recipes, silliness and way too much David.

So what should people write? I think a good example was included last week. Emmett's article on what he has learned over the past year while working at Cheapo was well written, pertinent, funny and entertaining. Daryl, Mark and Jason have been consistent contributors and their articles are always worth reading.

One more note: When I first interviewed for this position with Scott and I asked him what he expected from the newsletter, he said (and this is a quote/paraphrase), "If it turns into a place where people complain about Al and me, that's fine." Being an expert at making mistakes, I can say the best thing about them is it is one of the best ways to learn. I don't want the newsletter to focus solely (souly?) on things people don't like about working here. But I think that has a place in these pages. We are all lucky to be working for this organization. I see a sincere effort from the people on top to make this place a decent and worthwhile job for all of us. But if you, the employee, see an area that needs improvement, I think it is something everyone should be aware of; that only makes us all better retail personnel.

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