Monday, September 21, 1992

Editor's Page

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who took the time to respond to our survey. Your input was greatly appreciated. There was not a huge response so we will continue to do what we’ve been doing in spite of ourselves. I would like to respond to a few of the suggestions that were made.

1) “I would like to see credit given to where the used news articles come from.” Unlike most things in my life, I actually gave some thought to this issue before the first newsletter was printed. My original reason for not including the contributor’s name was the desire to encourage as much “original” material as possible (see below). We wanted our “bylines” to be something one had to earn. I remember when I was first starting in journalism how proud I felt when my name appeared above an article. That pride was matched only by the fear of my writing would make me look stupid. The thrill of the byline along with the fear of a public display of stupidity is long behind me, but I think it is natural for people to enjoy seeing their own name in print. Also, my original policy decision on “used news” items was based on our breaking of all the copyright laws and I might as well be the one responsible. I don’t’ have a problem with giving people credit for anything they contribute- I hope if you see an article which would be of interest to other employees, you will send it to me (and receive credit).

2) “I would staple the newsletter on the left side like normal people.” Nobody has ever accused me of being “normal” but I will compromise on this one. I’ll staple fifty percent on the conventional although inconvenient side and 50 percent on the margin saving “right” side.

3) “Can we start a personals section?” You give me your personals, I’ll print them. – S.A.M.

4) “I don’t think we should make up ‘fun facts.’ There is something unethical about combining reality and fiction.” – your “estranged friend.” Some of us don’t see much difference between the two.

Last week was the first time we printed an issue of all original articles. Someday I would like to do a few “theme” issues where several people write about the same topic but at the moment it’s beyond me what topics we could devote such attention. Last week Daryl asked for story ideas and I get the impression other people don’t know exactly what to write about. So, the following are a few suggestions (feel free to join me, just don’t touch me…)

-The Nordgaard Route: Write about something you favor, double LPs, box sets, LP artwork, cassette singles, guys or gals named Lou. A list with explanations is an excellent approach.

-The Maeda Way: Find a topic (i.e. Dylan) beat the living tar out of it.

-Reviews: We’re a music store, write about a group, an album you’ve heard that others should pay attention to. Melodye has done this very nicely.

-Comparisons: Monk vs Cecil Taylor, Evie vs Sandi Patti, AC/DC vs Black Sabbath, rubber bands vs paper clips, solar vs wind power… which are better?

-Tori Ryder: Our favorite Applause spokeswoman?

-Lecy Goranson: What’s her future after Roseanne?

-Co-workers: what makes someone easy to work with and what annoys you? Are hands or shoes better first indicators of a person’s true identity?

-Dinner breaks (Jennifer’s idea): What is the best thing and where is the best place to eat in 30 minutes?

-Recipes: Every newsletter runs them.

-Kitchen counters: How do you keep yours clean

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